About Me

“”To display my journey in the fitness industry and teach others.”

Welcome to the new website of Fred Fitness,

My name is Frederik Jukema. This website was created after successfully launching a blog relating to fitness posts.

On this website, everyone can read my blog posts and also become a client to enjoy my experience in the fitness industry in a rather easy way. That is why I made some training schedules and eating schemes, which can be streamlined to answer your needs.

The blog page will be dedicated to writing about my fitness experiences and giving information about how to properly approach fitness goals. A lot of posts will come on that page, so stay up to date. Every Saturday, a new post will be published on the blog. There is a lot to write about!

I am excited to share this journey with all of you!

Frederik Jukema

Frequently Asked Questions

When did you start doing fitness?

I started fitness just before I turned 16. 

How much experience do you have in fitness?

I think I have a lot of experience in fitness. Mostly because I have not been doing the same routine over and over again for years. I have been switching and been trying out different training programs. Doing research over the years about fitness has taught me a lot.

How much experience do you have in dieting?

As you might have read in my blog, I have done dieting with and without training. I might be living a good example of eating what I love and losing weight. I hope I can help more people achieve that.

Why did you start being a personal coach?

When writing my fitness blog, I noticed that a lot of people reached out to me for advice on their diet and training. I always loved to help people in the fitness industry, and in this way, I can maintain close relationships with those people and do what I love to do.

are you different from other personal coaches?

That is difficult to answer since there are so many different kinds of coaches. The most important thing for me is to show people that training schedules and diets do not have to be extreme. The schedules I try to make consist of things you love to eat or do. Also, I do think that I can offer a lot of value for no high expenses. Giving advice and helping others is one of the things I love to do.

do you have a personal fitness coach license?

I do not have a license for personal coaching. Right now, this is a hobby and passion for me, and I have gathered enough information to help most people. If something or someone has special needs and I would not be able to help, I would not accept that client and try to help him or her find someone else who can.

What future do you see in this website?

I cannot say for sure. But for now, my goal is to keep doing what I love next to my studies. Right now, that is helping people and staying fit.