Fred Fitness in LA

Fred Fitness in LA

As you might have heard, I moved to LA for at least 4 months to do a part of my senior year of my bachelor at UCLA. I got the question if living in LA is going to change my fitness schedule. LA is definitely different from Utrecht. In general, people tend to eat less...
How To Prevent Slacking

How To Prevent Slacking

Cover Picture: My experience on preventing slacking off. In the beginning, I have talked a little bit about myself. Mostly about motivation and a bit of what I eat and what I do in the...
Body Fat Percentage

Body Fat Percentage

What it really says about you Have you ever measured your own body fat percentage, or are you planning on doing so? Then it is good to know some things about body fat percentage. Because when talking about body fat, not everything is as self-explanatory as you might...
Why You Should Take Creatine

Why You Should Take Creatine

No Downsides. Only Upsides. Creatine, a bodily substance, is extremely popular in the fitness industry– but also a lot of other sports. I have been using creatine myself during multiple periods in the last few years, and in this blog post, I want to discuss what...
Are Fats Unhealthy?

Are Fats Unhealthy?

Are fats making you fat and killing your gains? The most used phrase in dieting is that ‘fats make you fat.’ However, this statement needs some backing up from scientific facts to see whether that is true. In this blog post, the fat debacle will be broken down to see...