Fred Fitness in LA

Fred Fitness in LA

As you might have heard, I moved to LA for at least 4 months to do a part of my senior year of my bachelor at UCLA. I got the question if living in LA is going to change my fitness schedule. LA is definitely different from Utrecht. In general, people tend to eat less...
Are Fats Unhealthy?

Are Fats Unhealthy?

Are fats making you fat and killing your gains? The most used phrase in dieting is that ‘fats make you fat.’ However, this statement needs some backing up from scientific facts to see whether that is true. In this blog post, the fat debacle will be broken down to see...
What do I eat?

What do I eat?

Eating Schedule – Part 1: What do I eat? In the first part about my eating schedule, I want to elaborate on what I exactly did when I was dieting, what I did in the first six weeks of my lean bulking period, and what I do now at the moment to get to my ultimate goal....