Back To The Basics

Back To The Basics

In this post, I will give you a little update about my current exercise schedule, eating schedule, and some knowledge concerning muscle building. Since September, the moment I moved to LA for exchange, I started doing a lot of variety in exercises. I used the shocking...
Healthy Meals: Turkey-Spinach Omelet

Healthy Meals: Turkey-Spinach Omelet

This blog post will be dedicated to the food pillar. One meal that I probably love the most is an omelet with turkey and spinach. It contains a lot of proteins, some healthy fats, and vitamins. Although it requires some time and to cook and clean, it is a fantastic...
Consistency Is Key

Consistency Is Key

It’s the time of the new year’s resolutions! Many people start to try to go to the gym (again). Here is what you need to know about making big changes in your fitness/diet structures. In a lot of my previous blog posts, you might have observed that I use...
Calories – What you need to know

Calories – What you need to know

Calories, we hear everyone talking about them. To what extent should you be taking them seriously? This blog post will discuss what calories are and to a certain extent discuss how serious you should take ‘watching your calories’. Calories are another word for the...
Oats: A healthy breakfast

Oats: A healthy breakfast

To mix things up a little, I want to introduce my own personal experience with eating and training on this blog. What do I, for example, eat for breakfast? Well, that depends on my goal. E.g., Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to maintain my body? Or do I want to...