Diet & Training



I offer different kinds of diets. Most importantly, we can make a diet for you together, with things that you love to eat. No more difficulties with sticking to your plan in the long term.

Training Programmes

Stuck in your old gym routine without seeing the results you want? Or are you new and want to have someone else help you with making a training program? Either way, together we can make a training program to get the results you want!

Personal Coaching

How to get the lifestyle / fitness results you always wanted? With personal coaching I will help you achieve all your personal goals. Together, we can make the perfect diet and training program that fits your needs. Next to that, we will go more in depth on all kind of tips that help you get faster to your goal. Sign up for a session!

Consulting Hours

Not sure if personal coaching is the way to go for you? Come and make an appointment for a consulting hour! You can ask anything you want and I will help you. The first 30 minutes are free, so there is nothing to lose!

Coaching For All Fitness Levels

It does not matter whether you are a beginner, or you are already training for a longer period. If you want to have coaching on whatever goal you want to achieve. We can make it possible! Just contact me and we will discuss what we can do together!

Personal Coaching

Are you working out but not seeing the results you hoped to see? Are you new to fitness or want to try it out? I can help you achieve your goal while having fun and feeling better. I try to find a good combination of getting fitter while doing things you love. Contact me for personal coaching sessions!

Weight Loss

Want to lose weight? We can make it happen next to your lifestyle!


Want to become stronger? We can find a way to combine training and eating to achieve it.

 Become Fit

Want to get more fit? There are a thousand ways to improve your condition. We will find a way that you love!

Make a Change

Real People. Real Results

Here you have the opportunity to reach the goals you have always wanted to achieve. Below you can find a few reviews from people who have or had some coaching in the past.


“I met Frederik during my studies, and we both shared the same interest in fitness. I train 3 to 4 times a week, but I was not completely satisfied with the results so far. When I spoke to Frederik, he told me that most of the fitness ‘results’ are made in the kitchen. I found this quite strange, but I was also curious about what I could improve regarding my diet. Of course, I was familiar with the fact that I should eat enough proteins, but the rest was new to me. My goal was to lose some weight, around 2 to 3 kilograms. Frederik gave me his eating schedule and some tips, and this helped me out a lot. It gave me insights into what I should eat, and especially how much I should eat. His advice resulted in me losing a lot of weight: in 2.5 weeks, I lost 3 kg. Of course, training is significant for gaining muscles, but your diet is maybe even more critical. Frederik helped me a lot with this, and I am very grateful for that!”

Lucas van Esterik

“Last week I met up with a personal trainer for the first time. Initially, I had my doubts about personal coaching. I did not really know what to expect. After the first encounter, there was immediately a good connection, and I had built reliance on it. During the training session, Frederik put the emphasis on the background information about the exercise. Because of this, you realize why you were doing that specific exercise, and you could really concentrate on that group of muscles. Next, to a challenging workout, my experience with Frederik was excellent and if you want to start with fitness he can really help you put on the right tracks. When you are already in the fitness business, he can explain a lot about the exercises and the consequences of it. In conclusion, my experience with Fred Fitness was frankly good and definitely up for repetition.”

Jelle Bronda

Frequently asked Questions

Is going to the gym needed to lose weight?

The answer is yes and no. You do not need to go to the gym or do sports to lose weight. Once I lost 4 kg in five weeks without sports. However, you can eat less on a day when you are not working out. 

Do you have a lot of training programs for sale?

Right now I have five different programs. However, I prefer working with you and setting up one together. You need to find out what kind of exercises you love to do. If you stick to a random plan with exercises you do not like, you are not going to stick to it in the long run.

For how many years do you do fitness?

I have been going to the gym for more than four years now, with some small brakes in between. But now I am planning on never stopping or taking breaks.

What is the rate of personal coaching?


I looks interesting, but i am not 100% sure. is there a trial period?

If you are not 100% sure that personal coaching is the way for you to go, or you are not sure that I can offer the qualities that are described on this website, I can offer a free meeting where we can discuss the general approach to your plan. 

Do you have the needed expertise?

Over the years I have gathered a lot of information from the internet. Next, to that, I come from a background of doctors and a medical student. They have also taught me a great deal when concerning the functionality of certain food elements and muscles. The combination of these sources together with my practical experience makes me able to help other people.