This blog post will be dedicated to the food pillar. One meal that I probably love the most is an omelet with turkey and spinach. It contains a lot of proteins, some healthy fats, and vitamins. Although it requires some time and to cook and clean, it is a fantastic meal which will make your day even better.

You can adjust how much of a particular ingredient you use. But if you use more than 2 eggs, I suggest you leave out the yolk from egg 3 and on. In general, studies have shown that eating more than 2 egg yolks a day harms your cholesterol levels in the long-term. Of course, this depends on the rest of your daily food intake as well.

The ingredients are as follows:

– 4 eggs (2 yolks and 4 egg whites)

– A handful of spinach

 – 4 slices of turkey (sliced in smaller bits)

– One tablespoon of olive oil

– A tiny bit of milk

The nutrients are as follows (approximately):

– Calories: 384

– Carbs: 2 grams

– Proteins: 35 grams

– Fats: 26 grams

As you can see, this meal contains almost only fats and proteins. If you want less of it, you can for example, only use three eggs and three slices of turkey, and you will cut the nutrients by almost a quarter (note that olive oil is 100% fat). Of course, these are all very healthy fats (unsaturated) that actually are good for your body. But you should not overeat of it; hence it will become too much (and become unhealthy).


  1. Put the eggs and egg whites in a bowl
  2. Put a tiny bit of milk in the bowl
  3. Mix it up
  4. Heat up a pan and put the olive oil in it
  5. Put the content of the bowl in the pan and slowly heat it up.
  6. The moment you see that the upper side of the omelet slowly starts to get solid, you want to put the spinach and sliced turkey on one side of the omelet.
  7. Now fold the omelet so that one half covers the other half. Now turn off the heat and let it slowly warm up a little bit more.
  8. After a minute, your omelet will be ready!

I hope you enjoy this healthy omelet as much as I do every time!