Update time! Now that I have reached my goal. What do I do?

For the last few weeks, I have got the physique I really wanted to have. From this point, I just want to gain a little bit of muscle only. But, for the most part, I want to improve certain lagging parts to make it all in proper proportion.

For me, this is where every training will be even more fun. I enjoy every second of every exercise. I switched from explosive training to fully controlled training. What does that mean? Instead of doing fast reps with high weights, I do them reasonably slower (and with lower weights) with full control over the motion of the repetition. Training like this is way more fun for me, and I feel like it also makes me actually stronger. During those slow motions, you remove any momentum that you might create by doing it faster. Next to that, you reduce the chance of getting injured, when comparing it to high-weight explosive executions of exercises.

Recently, I also made a change in what muscles I train daily. Since my chest and back were way stronger than my arms, I replaced Chest & Triceps day and Back & Biceps day with Chest & Back day and an Arms day. This allows me to train arms even more in a week, with a particular focus on them. Until now, that really pays off. My arms were always my weakest body part. But after some weeks of training, I can see then catching up upon the rest of my body.

Here is a tip: changing your schedule from time to time, with a critical eye, can really stimulate muscle growth. Shocking the muscle, as Arnold Schwarzenegger has said from time to time, really does help make the tissue grow. That is one of the reasons why I have been experimenting with different schedules over the last few years. Never stick too long to one program. Always try to spice things up. It works better for your muscle growth, and next to that, it also makes you more engaged with yourself. I always like to try out new things. This keeps me extra motivated to go to the gym.

Make sure to check out earlier posts on my blog concerning my fitness schedule if you want more insights about how I train, and what you can learn from it!