To mix things up a little, I want to introduce my own personal experience with eating and training on this blog.

What do I, for example, eat for breakfast? Well, that depends on my goal. E.g., Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to maintain my body? Or do I want to gain lean muscle?

Complex Carbs

But one of my favorite breakfast meals is definitely oats. Oats are just amazing. They contain complex carbohydrates. What are those? Complex carbs are carbs that are slowly being broken down in your stomach. This means that your body will gradually get energy from oats over multiple hours. There are some significant benefits to this. It is best to compare it with fast carbs. Think of fast food or sodas. Those consists of carbs that are being broken down really fast, so they make your blood sugar level rise quickly and making a steep peak. Shortly after, your blood sugar level decreases to a lower level than before and give you something that is called a ‘dip.’ Complex carbs do not do that. Complex carbs make your blood sugar level rise only a small bit, and keep it up for a more extended period, to later return to normal levels. You get energy from it for a longer time, and you avoid getting a dip. That is why I recommend eating oats at breakfast. It will give you energy for the whole morning.

Oats with Apple and/or Banana

Mainly, I make oats in unsweetened almond milk mixed with water. But you can also make it with just water or only milk. Beforehand, make sure that you have cut a banana and/or an apple. Put the water/milk in a pan, and heat it a little bit. Quickly add a portion of oats that suits you and continuously keep stirring the oats. Keep doing this until the oats are nice and thick/warm. Turn off the heater, and add the banana and/or the apple. Now stir it until the fruit is nicely mixed with the oats. As a cherry on the pie, I add a bit of cinnamon on it.

Voila! You just made yourself a healthy and energizing breakfast.