As you might have heard, I moved to LA for at least 4 months to do a part of my senior year of my bachelor at UCLA. I got the question if living in LA is going to change my fitness schedule. LA is definitely different from Utrecht. In general, people tend to eat less healthy, but at the same time, I have never seen so many fit people together. Will I change my eating schedule because of LA?

Goals first, the rest follows

First of all, I always have a goal in mind. My first goal, achieving a body fat percentage of around 10%, I did already reach before I moved to Los Angeles. So what is my new goal? I thought about it for a while, but now it is clear to me. I do not want to become too shredded or too big. So I mostly knew what I did not want to become. But if you play that game of subtraction long enough, you will most likely find what you do want to become. In the end, for me, this is to gain a little bit of muscle mass, until I am happy with the proportions of my body. Once I have reached that goal, I will switch my goal into maintaining that physique and mindset.

Changes in schedule

So now to the question, is my eating and fitness schedule going to change because of me being in LA? For training, the answer is straightforward: no! I enjoy going to the gym so much that it would only make me feel bad if I went less frequently. So that’s no problem for me! The eating scheme is a bit more complicated. In Utrecht, I used to have my own kitchen. This means that I could buy and eat whatever suited me best. However, here in LA, I live in a coop with a general cantina. This means that I cannot cook my own food and just have to eat what is being cooked. However, I am not in a calorie deficit anymore, but in a slight surplus. So I do not really care how exactly food is prepared, as long as I can eat healthy in general (with some exceptions of course!). Every day, I can eat eggs, chicken, and veggies three times a day. So it is really up to you. I can eat healthy every meal of the day. The only important thing missing in my eating schedule is quark. The quark I used to eat had no fat and a lot of proteins, which made it easy to get to my protein goal. In LA, I just need to make sure I get my protein shakes and eat plenty of chicken. I stopped counting calories a while ago since I now know how much I am approximately supposed to eat. I do not snack at all here. I just eat three times a day, with mostly healthy products.


So in short: I am not going to change my diet or fitness schedule in any significant terms. Only my food looks a bit different. But I am still eager to eat healthy most of the meals and enjoying my daily gym time, and some extra cardio on the way. I am at the point of my fitness journey, where I just enjoy every aspect of it. I am at a point where I can sometimes slack with what I eat because I do so much cardio and gym sessions. I love going to the gym daily, and I never want to stop doing so.

So far, so good!