Why I started losing weight & why I started going to the gym again:

Before I get into too much detail, I want to give a small introduction first about my recent development in the fitness area. After this post, I will dig deeper into every element that is mentioned. So, in the end, I will have shared my whole story about my transformation and all the things that I needed to do and consider when trying to achieve my goal.

February 3rd, 2019,

I just came back from a Ski trip. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I could just see all the burgers and beers floating around in my body. It was not a sad moment, but a moment of realization. For me, having an ‘a bit above average’ body was important for me since I turned 16. Doing fitness is something I have done 2 to 4 times a week in general over the years, making it not too serious. At that day in February 2019, it was clear to me that I failed to maintain that vision of myself. That day I started to lose weight. I weighed 85 kg and my goal was to get to 80 kg in five weeks; which meant that I had to lose 1 kg per week (This means I had to cut 1,000 kcal every day). This was an intense diet. But after five weeks I did it and I lost the 5 kg and I weighed around 79.5/80 kg. This could be described as the first five weeks of my diet. However, the emphasis I want to create is on the bigger picture of myself. Since I had no real goal after this in mind, there was a period of four weeks where nothing really happened after this diet. I lost my consistency.

April 19th, 2019,

On this April day, I started asking myself questions like ‘what is my dream body?’ and ‘how do I get there?’. The answer appeared to me a few days later when I watched the movie Baywatch. When I saw Zac Efron in the movie, lifting tremendous amounts of weights, whilst looking extremely lean, I knew that moment that that was my dream physique. I never really wanted to become really big. To me, a relatively low body fat percentage was always important, but I never really got there. So, from that moment on, I started planning my whole schedule on how to achieve this goal. So before I am going to describe how I came up with my training schedule, I want to discuss how to set up your own goals.

Getting to your goal:

Multiple factors play a role when trying to achieve a fitness goal. To me, it consists of three pillars: Food, Exercise, and Sleep. I will elaborate the what’s, how’s, why’s, and when’s in a later post. But the most important thing about trying to achieve any goal in fitness can be described in one single word: consistency.

Consistency is key when trying to achieve your goals and dream. When consistency is lacking, you are not going to make it. And it will only fuel disappointment. I learned that multiple times the hard way. Take as an example of the period after my diet. I lost 5 kg, but then I got back to my old ‘unhealthy’ diet since I became lazy to prepare all the healthy meals I made during the diet. It made me feel like I did the diet for nothing in the end. The inconsistency was a big mistake.

Next post will contain more information about the first steps of how I started my fitness goals, but also how you can make up your own goals. Stay up to date for new blog posts by e.g. subscribing to the newsletter, which can be done by scrolling down on my fitness page of the blog. Or follow my Instagram account/ facebook page for all the latest news!