What do I eat?

What do I eat?

Eating Schedule – Part 1: What do I eat? In the first part about my eating schedule, I want to elaborate on what I exactly did when I was dieting, what I did in the first six weeks of my lean bulking period, and what I do now at the moment to get to my ultimate goal....
Training Days, Times, Sets, and Repetitions

Training Days, Times, Sets, and Repetitions

Training Schedule – Part 1: Training days, Times, Sets, and repetitions To put some practice next to all the theory of the previous posts, I want to explain what my training schedule is for achieving my goal physique. There are some important things that you should...
How To Achieve Your Goal

How To Achieve Your Goal

How to get to your goal – Step One The first step to achieving your goal is to get a general overview of the three pillars I mentioned earlier in a blog post. To recap, the three pillars are Food, Exercise, and Sleep. This post will be dedicated to briefly explain all...
Set Your Goal

Set Your Goal

What is your goal & How dedicated are you to achieve that goal? Before I continue about how to achieve your goal. Let’s start with discussing how to set up your goal or your vision. This might be the most important step in the whole process. Why? Because every day...
Introduction To My Story

Introduction To My Story

Why I started losing weight & why I started going to the gym again: Before I get into too much detail, I want to give a small introduction first about my recent development in the fitness area. After this post, I will dig deeper into every element that is...