Love what you do




Welcome to the new website of Frederik Jukema Blogs,

On this website, you will find my fitness blogs, some information about me, the opportunity to read some reviews about the clients I have helped so far, and also the option to become a client of mine yourself.

Personal Coaching

Want to see results? I offer diets, training schedules, but most importantly also offer personal coaching sessions.

My Fitness Blog

Want to learn more about fitness and/or follow my journey and experiences? Read my blog posts here!

About Me

Find out here why I started this website and learn more about me.

Contact Me

If you have any questions or want to sign up for your first personal coaching session, please click here!


“I met Frederik during my studies, and we both shared the same interest in fitness. I train 3 to 4 times a week, but I was not completely satisfied with the results so far. When I spoke to Frederik, he told me that most of the fitness ‘results’ are made in the kitchen. I found this quite strange, but I was also curious about what I could improve regarding my diet. Of course, I was familiar with the fact that I should eat enough proteins, but the rest was new to me. My goal was to lose some weight, around 2 to 3 kilograms. Frederik gave me his eating schedule and some tips, and this helped me out a lot. It gave me insights into what I should eat, and especially how much I should eat. His advice resulted in me losing a lot of weight: in 2.5 weeks, I lost 3 kg. Of course, training is significant for gaining muscles, but your diet is maybe even more critical. Frederik helped me a lot with this, and I am very grateful for that!”

Lucas van Esterik

“Last week I met up with a personal trainer for the first time. Initially, I had my doubts about personal coaching. I did not really know what to expect. After the first encounter, there was immediately a good connection, and I had built reliance on it. During the training session, Frederik put the emphasis on the background information about the exercise. Because of this, you realize why you were doing that specific exercise, and you could really concentrate on that group of muscles. Next, to a challenging workout, my experience with Frederik was excellent and if you want to start with fitness he can really help you put on the right tracks. When you are already in the fitness business, he can explain a lot about the exercises and the consequences of it. In conclusion, my experience with Fred Fitness was frankly good and definitely up for repetition.”

Jelle Bronda